I’m on the Jehova’s Witness Protection Program List

but that’s not transferable or interchangeable with the Latter Day Saints…as they came knocking on my door with their Sister _______ Latter Day Saints name tags.

I could perfectly tell what the girl was saying without opening the door (I have moderately good lip reading skills) and she was getting ticked off because she couldn’t hear me through the door and the storm door. lol

Poor thing sighed in frustration and her mouth hung open a little. I felt sorry for her so I opened the inside door.

First thing I said to her was “Do you need something?”…that should have been her first clue. She asked if she could leave me some literature and I said NO and directed her to the nearest LDS household on the block.

It was a lot like having the FBI come to the door…two people dressed in black… one who talks and has a silly look on the their face and the other who doesn’t speak and stands at the wall of the house with their face unmoving.

They drove a silver car with a Missouri tag (just like the FBI!), a bike rack on the back and 26 in one inch black numbers on the left front windshield. I suppose it could have been a rental or maybe an LDS fleet car, if they have them.

About TripodMA

I went to protests and all I got was this lousy surveillance. Proud parking lot naturalist. My Awards: Time Magazine Person of the Year! 2011 Recipient of the distinguished FBI Out-And-About & Home Visit award FBI Associates Program Nominee 2009-2010 County Parks Taxidermy Squirrel recipient 2009-2010 Don’t Eff With Me and I Won’t Eff With You certificate 2010
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3 Responses to I’m on the Jehova’s Witness Protection Program List

  1. Kim says:

    Lol, I’ve never had them knock on my door & I have only seen males on the bikes or in cars. But for a few months they parked at my apts to walk to the ones next door and seemed to always catch me going to the dumpster or getting something out of my car. They always asked if they could do anything for me. Which afterward I did always think I should have said sure “walk my dog”…But of course I never would have done that because I am too paranoid about my dog, he is a handful…
    But they asked if they could sing me a Christmas song in Madrin to me & their was. O way in hell I could pass on that!!!! I was just sad all my neighbors were out of town:(.

  2. Kim says:

    Lol, I’ve never had them knock on my door & I have only seen males on the bikes or in cars. But for a few months they parked at my apts to walk to the ones next door and seemed to always catch me going to the dumpster or getting something out of my car. They always asked if they could do anything for me. Which afterward I did always think I should have said sure “walk my dog”…But of course I never would have done that because I am too paranoid about him…and he is a handfull anyway.

    But then they asked if they could sing me a Christmas song in Madrin & No way in hell I could pass on that!!!! I was just sad all my neighbors were out of town:( It was quite lovely, although maybe I got baptized in Chinese to the LDS & didn’t know it, lol…

  3. TripodMA says:

    Hahahaaaa they were lying in wait
    At least you had nice ambushers…helpful AND entertaining!

    uh oh…I think you might have been right about that baptism. Was it this song? lol

    The phrase “I Am a Child of God” is also used in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a declaration of a basic belief of Mormonism.

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